

The RQ Assessment is a landmark approach to measuring personal retirement readiness and serves as the new narrative for retirement planning, decision making, and transitioning.

It’s a more holistic framework that uses personality, preference, behaviors, and expectations to identify personal strengths and areas of opportunity across a variety of factors known to closely affect the retirement transition.

The core value is that people have never been asked to organize all their thoughts and feelings about themselves into a single document and then asked how those factors will impact their retirement.

The RQ Assessment scores people in three key areas:
(1) Retirement Knowledge, (2) Work Life, and (3) Personal Life. An overall RQ score is generated by:

1) Assessing a person’s knowledge and perceptions about the retirement transition.

2) Measuring a person’s work life significance or the extent to which their career involvement and perspective of their work life may benefit or detract from their move into retirement.

3) Identify any self-described discrepancies between a person’s beliefs and assumptions about life in retirement and their personal style, behavior and personality.

4) The three scores from each section are combined to make the overall RQ score.

Upon completion of the assessment, a 15-page, personalized report is created and made available for you. As your coach, I will help you understand the discoveries and insights revealed from your assessment and work with you to build upon this foundation to achieve your retirement dream.

Please contact me for more information on how you can take the RQ Assessment.